Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cameron Highlands

Hmmmm....family trip again. Trip to Cameron Highlands. To feel the fresh air, relax and to eat the fresh vege. It's been 5 years back. And this is Enzo first trip to Cameron. He enjoy the cold very much.

It is a very bad weather when we reached the first day. Rain the whole day, jam, no parking...we ended up 'tabao' family jumbo set from KFC back to hotel.

The second day weather was good, shinning and the sky was clear with cloud. We went for a tea at the Boh Teahouse located at Brinchang, the one on top of the hill. And visited the usual places; Bee Farm, Watercress Farm, Cactus Farm, Strawberries Farm. And managed to get some dry strawberries as souvenirs for our family and friends. Unfortunately, we din make it to the Brinchang night market due to the heavy rain on the first day we reached on saturday night. And the night market is only open on friday and saturday.

And this is the moment that my father in-law most like it. Unlimited of flowersssssss...

My parent in-law, so loving and sweet.

Enzo with Ee Shawn didi. 

And this is my all time favourate...steamboat, especially having it during a cold weather. Shiock!

Stopby at the water fall when on our way back to KL. 

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