Wednesday, September 2, 2009

11 Months Old: Walking, Walking, 1,2 3, 4, 5......

Enzo turned 11 months old on August 27th. He has been busy doing the things that eleven-month-olds do. I am so excited. These are huge physical accomplishments for Enzo!!! He loves to stand, and he’s pretty strong and steady now. Enzo is at the point where he'll just stand up in the middle of the floor. No more holding on to the furniture. He can do it himself. He refuses to let anyone help him walk and trying to show his daddy and mummy just how independent he is. I can already see it starting, since he won't let me hold his hands once he stands up. He takes about four steps at the beginning and now taking 8 steps or even more. He then falls down, anyway he does not get discouraged about failing to walk many steps. He walks some more and falls down again…and that is really funny.

Enzo chatters all day long. Even though most of it is baby babble, it has the sound of real talking now. Mamama is his favorite syllable to repeat nowadays.

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