Sunday, May 18, 2008

Labour Bag Checklist

For Labour

Pack a few necessities to make yourself more comfortable during labour.

  • A baggy t-shirt or nightgown
  • A hot water bottle
  • Baby powder or massage oil
  • Eyeglasses, if you need any. Even if you usually wear contacts, you'll probably need or want to take them out at some point during your stay
  • A hair band/ hair clips and barrettes, if you think you might want them
  • Camera / Videocamera
  • CD player (soft music to relax and relieve tension)

After Delivery

Make your recovery stay at the hospital restful with these useful items.

  • Plenty of cotton underwear
  • Sanitary pad
  • Breast pump
  • Nightgown, bathrobe and slippers
  • Nursing pads
  • Nursing bra
  • Toiletries. toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, makeup, shampoo, lotion
  • Face towel
  • Lip moisturizer
  • Warm socks and slippers
  • Going-home outfit (loose, comfortable but stylist)


  • Going-home outfits for baby (stretchy)
  • Mittens and booties
  • Sweater
  • Baby hat
  • Receiving blanket
  • Diapers
  • An infant car seat (installed correctly)

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