Monday, July 13, 2009

Enzo 9 And A Half Months Old

Enzo at his 9 and a half months, he become more interested in everything, especially the things he shouldn’t! He find lots of new objects to pick up and throw, pick up and throw! Anyway I try to give him more space to discover and move around.

I’ve started Enzo with porridge 2 months ago and now he is ready to try some stronger flavors as well as more textures food such as fruits, biscuits, pasta and etc to help his chewing skills. And he loves it.

Enzo start to recognise his own name and turn around whenever daddy mummy called. He likes to dance, he will dance whenever he heard ‘bom cha cha, bom cha cha’. He will bounce up and down and follow the random of ‘bom cha cha’ or any music. This is real funny. His upper body is strong enough, he can hold himself up and walk step by step by just holding my hand.

More funny is he likes to shriek loudly, make silly sounds, funny expression, crying in a specific tone, according to some expert this is the way he try to attract our attention as well as to convey a particular ‘request’.