Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Baby 8 Months Old

Baby is been trapped. Thank you Aunty Lily for the playpen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baby Favourite ABC Porridge

Enzo like it so so much. He can always finish 2 bowls, it's very simple to make and healthy as well.

Tomato (peel off the skin), potato, carrot, big onion and chicken drumstick (removed the skin)

Please refer to (links) Hungry For Food (My Baby CookBook)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Or When You Are Tired And Sleeping

Even When You Are Crying

We Love You, Baby

Holding Hand With Lovely Mummy

Holding Hand with Dave Gorr Gorr, So Sweet

Unforgettable Shots

Dearest Aunty Lily, Jessica jie jie, Dave gorr gorr and Jackie jie jie (or known as Fatimah...hehe):

We feel so special to have u guys here. We had a great time and Enzo loved playing with your. There aren’t enough words to express how grateful we are. Thank you so much and we gonna miss you guys a lot.

Enzo's On The Move

Enzo now can attempt a furniture-assisted standing position. Pulling up on sofa will be the most exciting part for him. Sometimes he will get stuck standing up and become upset and simply falls over to sit down to relax. He is more active and mobile. We been repeating the word ‘NO’ more and more to let him learn what should do and what shouldn’t. He starts to combine syllables and the first syllables he start to call is ‘ma…ma’. Whenever we leave him in his playpen, he will start crying and call ‘mama’ ‘mama’ non-stop until mommy pick him up. Can’t wait until he call us ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’ as we going to treasure this memories for life for sure………..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby Fisher-Price Booster Seat

Baby new booster seat from fisher-price.