Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby Enzo Ee Shawn

Keep Smilling

Baby enzo now can lift his head and shoulders as well as hold his head steady when help upright. And he is strong enough to roll over from his back to his front, now my headache having a difficulty to changed diapers for him...............oh gosh..........

Friday, January 9, 2009

Baby Enzo Funny Faces

Baby 4 Months Development
Weight : 6.5kg
Height : 65cm

Shopping day

While mummy & daddy busy shopping, i also busy playing my fingers.........hehehe.................

Picture taken in the morning

Baby 2Months 2Days Development
Weight : 5.4kg
Height : 61cm

Good morning mummy & daddy

baby enzo is getting stronger day by day. He still can't hold his head steady, but i can notice he is keeping it up for a few seconds at a time. he now can focus on some objects as well as track them from side to side. And he even can differentiate familiar voices from other sounds and notice how he looks to see where certain noises are coming from.

Pictures capture by uncle tuck loong

Baby Enzo On Car Seat

Baby 1 Month Development
Weight : 4.4kg
Height : 56cm